The journey starts here

Being multilingual is a passport to opportunities and that’s why now is the time to give your children the tools to get the most out of life. What else improves educational, career, cultural and social possibilities? 

Speak Like A Native runs courses for different ages, always focusing on what is meaningful, engaging and fun for them. The aim is to build confidence as communicators in Spanish, French or Mandarin.

Search for a course near you, at your local nursery, school or community centre by searching HERE
If there isn’t one then let us know and we’ll try and set it up.

Register your interest

Build the language foundations necessary to take on the challenges of secondary school, GCSEs and beyond

Become a lifelong language learner, open to all the opportunities in the world

Develop confidence leading to an increase in the ability to take risks and cope with making mistakes (vital in every part of education)


During the pandemic, most of our clubs have moved online until schools and venues reopen and we can deliver sessions safely.

Online clubs are still a lot of fun. We encourage shouting out answers and a bit of running around. The last thing we want is for your child to give up because it’s boring. We also appreciate that language learning is often the one subject that parents find difficult to support their children with when it comes to home schooling. That’s why we’re here to help.

Our online language clubs are for a maximum of 10 children and last 30 minutes. There’s plenty of speaking and our aim is for children to say this is the most fun lesson of the day. If they’re enjoying themselves then learning is easier and they’ll want to come back for more.


The concept of language learning for toddlers, nurseries, pre-school, early years is to do the same things young children do but in another language. Songs, nursery rhymes, stories, activities and games - all these make a very entertaining session and are easy for developing minds to absorb. 

Primary / Prep Schools

Speak Like A Native language clubs run before, during and after school. These take place at our partner schools, who usually send out information each term to parents and carers. Unless your school is one that handles all bookings internally, please click on the BOOK button.

MFL - Experts

This is the Speak Like A Native package to support primary schools with all their MFL needs.

Let us be - and train you to become - language experts in the classroom, staff room and leadership team.

All learning resources and materials as well as training and unlimited support will ensure that MFL becomes embedded in your school so your children will never miss out.

Get in touch to arrange a meeting (in person or on Zoom) and we can have your school ready to go in a couple of weeks.

Secondary Schools

Speak Like A Native’s role with secondary school students is very clear. We provide support in the one gap that exists in language learning at this level - time dedicated for speaking. Most schools have full timetables and large classes and the opportunity to be in a small group where everyone gets the chance to speak is limited.

The ideal option is to join one of Speak Like A Native’s online GCSE conversation classes in Spanish, French, German or Mandarin. It’s amazing how much progress can be made by dedicating just 30 minutes a week to speaking in another language. Each session is based on a topic that students can prepare in advance and includes correction, pronunciation and help with vocabulary and expressions.